Why Healthlab

Why Choose HealthLab?

HealthLab is the premier provider of lab testing services for medical facilities throughout Illinois and Indiana. We're also one of the leaders in the field with the latest in diagnostic technology and an unrivaled customer support team.

Why should you use HealthLab?

Because of the technology.

When it comes to your patients' lab results, we use the latest technology the industry has to offer. We're committed to studying, understanding and adopting new technologies that make a positive difference in our work and your results. Some of the advanced automation methodologies we have implemented are:

  • Roche Chemistry Intelligent Workflow Management

  • Hematology Sysmex HST-N Integrated Laboratory Solution

  • Instrument-ready medical bar code labeling system

  • Immunochemistry equipment

  • Coulter cell counters

  • MicroScan microbiology systems

  • Pre-analytical automation scanning of bar codes

And because of our personalized support services.

We understand it's not just labs we're dealing with; it's the health of your patients which means getting results on time is extremely important. That's why HealthLab enables clients to order and receive test results via the Internet, with state-of-the-art security and reliable access to historical patient data. It's their health, and the only people who should see it are you and your patients.

Your patients' health and lab tests are important and should be handled with the utmost care. HealthLab is dedicated to improving the health of our communities by serving your need for high-quality lab testing services.

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If you have any questions, or would like to find out more, feel free to call us at 630.933.2525. TTY for the hearing impaired: 711.

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