Test Code: 2120311
Alias: LAB18
Lipid Panel with LDL-Calc (AMA)
CPT Code(s): 80061  
Test Includes:

Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol (calculated), Triglycerides, Cholesterol/HDL Ratio

*This CPT code is subject to a Medicare Limited Coverage Policy and may require a signed ABN when ordering. NCD: Lipid testing

Preferred Specimen: 2.0 mL serum
Container: SST (gold)
Alternate Container:

Sodium Heparin (green)
Lithium Heparin (lt green)

Minimum Volume: 0.3 mL serum or plasma
This volume does not allow for repeat testing.
Collection Instructions:

Patient prep: Patient should fast 12 hours prior to collection unless instructed differently by a physician.

Allow specimen to completely clot (this can take up to 60 minutes). Centrifuge for 15 minutes. The serum should be physically separated from contact with cells within two hours from the time of collection. If the specimen is collected in an anticoagulant tube without a gel barrier, centrifuge and transfer plasma into a properly labeled transfer tube within 2 hours of collection.

Transport Temperature: Refrigerated

Room temperature: 36 hours*
Refrigerated: 7 days

Limitations: If Triglycerides are greater than 400 mg/dL, calculation for LDL will not be performed.
Additional Information:

NOTE:  Effective 9/5/2017.  Roche Diagnostics introduced the fourth generation HDL-C assay.  This new generation of reagent has improved specificity, and more accurate HDL-C results due to the reduced sensitivity towards denatured lipoproteins. The change from the Gen.3 to the Gen.4 assay will result in a patient value shift of approximately 7% lower values.  Reference ranges for this assay follow the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) guidelines.  No change to the existing reference ranges are necessary.

Schedule: Set up: Daily; Results in 24-48 hours
Method: Refer to individual tests.
Clinical Significance: The tests in a lipid panel are used to determine the risk of coronary heart disease. These tests are good indicators of whether someone is likely to have a heart attack or stroke caused by blockage of blood vessels or hardening of the arteries.
Use: Updated 10/22/24
Reference Ranges: Refer to individual tests.

The CPT codes included in this publication are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are provided here for the convenience of our clients; however, correct coding often varies from one carrier to another, and HealthLab may bill specific carriers using codes other than those shown. Clients who bill for services should verify the code(s) with the applicable payor to confirm that their use is appropriate in each case.

Test Type: