Billing Services

Welcome to Billing Services. This section contains helpful information on the billing process - whether you bill your patients or have us handle the billing for you. Also included in this section is information on the Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN) and the ABN form.

Client Account Billing

If you elect client billing, an itemized statement will be rendered each month for testing services performed during the preceding billing period. Terms of payment are net 30 days. Please notify HealthLab within 45 days if you believe any portion of the statement is in error. Questions regarding your bill can be directed to the billing department at 630.933.6657.

Patient/Insurance Billing

To have HealthLab handle the billing for services rendered, the billing information section must be completed and a copy of the insurance card (front and back) attached to the requisition.

*Please note Illinicare & Cenpatico are no longer contracted- plans will stay and be treated as other non contracted medicaid replacements – pays 100% of Medicare rates effective 1/1/2017.
Illinicare Health Plan (160201), Illinicare Medicare & Medicaid (131201), Illinicare/Cenpatico Behavioral Health (160301)

*Exchange plans terminated as of 1/1/17: Humana Chicago HMOx (1270/127002), Land of Lincoln (214/214001) (125005 TERMD 9/30/16), CountryCare IL Cook Co (1607/160701), CoventryOne PPO (17110/171101), Blue Cross Blue Choice Gold PPO (1403/140301), Blue Cross Blue Choice Silver PPO (1404/140401), Blue Cross Blue Choice Bronze PPO (1405/140501), Harken Health/UHC Choice Plus (158/158059)

The following links contain a list of insurances accepted at Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital: Commercial Plans, Exchange Plans, Government Health Plans

Application of Credit on Monthly Statements

If you discover an error on your bill, please notify the account services coordinator or your lab sales rep as soon as possible. We are aware that extenuating circumstances may arise, and we will consider them on an individual basis. Please have all necessary information available at the time of your call.

Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN)

Medicare has a complicated set of rules to determine if a test is eligible for payment. These rules exclude some testing that represents the standard of care in our community, including testing done for screening purposes and testing associated with a general physical. Payment may also be denied based upon the diagnosis associated with the test order or the allowed frequency of a specific test. An ABN is a written acknowledgement that advises beneficiaries, before items or services are rendered, that Medicare is likely to deny payment. ABNs serve as an important fraud and abuse compliance function that is the responsibility of all parties involved in supplying a service or item to a patient.

ABNs are not required for services that are never covered by Medicare. If a service is “never covered,” consider presenting an ABN to the patient as a tool to initiate conversation about the expense.

For laboratory services, the ABN “L” form may be downloaded from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website: in both English and Spanish. Copies of the completed ABN must be given to the patient and kept on file in your office. The original must accompany the requisition with the specimen.

Completion of the ABN Form - Download ABN Form now

  1. Provide patient’s full name
  2. Enter patient’s Medicare number
  3. Clearly enter test(s) into the applicable “reason box”
  4. Have patient choose one option and check box
  5. Date form
  6. Have patient sign form

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